Health Insurance Six Ways to Save Money on Your Monthly Premium

Health Insurance Six Ways to Save Money on Your Monthly Premium

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Six Ways to Save on Your Monthly Health Insurance Premium

The high costs of health care will certainly place a lot of people and families under considerable
financial pressure. This financial burden often causes great anxiety , stress and even conflict
among family members. Fortunately, you may do a variety of things to reduce your monthly
health insurance and to ease your concerns.

1. Remove both alcohol and tobacco. Tobacco has been shown to cause a variety of health
issues, such as cardiac disease , lung cancer and stroke. Many insurance providers charge
consumers high premiums in order to cover the burden of high healthcare costs. Indeed, most
people smoking pay for health benefits at least 15% higher. Individuals who consume alcohol
regularly are often more likely to develop cancer, cardiovascular disease , high blood pressure
and pancreatitis. Similarly, tobacco consumers should expect to pay even more for prescription
benefits if they drink excessive alcohol.

2. Enter a community, professional association, or collective health insurance club. This is a
good alternative for people who are not insured or self-employed through their employers. This
is also considerably cheaper than health insurance premiums. The Freelancer Union, the National
Self-Employed Society, and AARP Health are only a few examples of organizations that provide
health insurance.

3. Think about buying an HMO package, also known as an organizational health maintenance
program. Although HMO policies are much less flexible compared to other insurance types,
including PPOs, the premiums are typically much lower. You would have to select a primary
care provider if you intend to buy an HMO. You may still need to be referred to a specialist by
your primary care provider.

4. Lose a bit of weight. Lose some weight. Like tobacco or alcohol use, being overweight raises
the chances of developing some serious health issues such as diabetes , heart disease and some
forms of cancer. Thus, overweight people should expect to pay around 35 percent more than they
would for health care premiums if they were safe.

5. Get a medical plan for the short term. This is a perfect choice for people between jobs who are
unable to afford COBRA coverage. Although deductibles are generally relatively high, these
compensation limits may be as low as $30 a month. Usually, these types of policies cover for up
to 11 months. Moreover, they do not usually cover conditions that occur before. In addition,
short term healthcare benefits usually cover injuries and disorders only, not regular treatment
such as annual physical examinations.

6. Drop any choices you do not need. For example, you can save your monthly plan by removing
unlimited doctor’s appointments from your plan if you visit your primary care doctor very rarely.
Furthermore you may want to consider withdrawing prescription coverage from insurance to
save on your monthly premiums if you do not take medications or take ones you can buy in a
low cost manner.

Buying a plan for health insurance can be very difficult and anxious. However, you can save
considerable money for your premiums and reduce your stress levels significantly by following
these guidelines.
